My CV: here     **    Ph.D. Thesis: here   **    Masters Thesis: here

Postdoctoral Researcher, Los Alamos National LaboratoryJune2021-Present

Project: Developing a dislocation transport-based crystal plasticity material model and it’s implementation in the open source code MOOSE.

Postdoctoral Researcher, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, March2020-May2021

Project: Developing the phase-field energy functional using the atomistic(MD)-continuum(CPFE) coupled model.

Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 2013-2020
 Mechanical Engineering.


  1. Time-acceleration of the Molecular Dynamics model to achieve a longer time scale for low strain rate based deformation mechanism study.
  2. Developing the atomistic-continuum concurrent model by coupling CPFE with MD.

My PhD Thesis: PhD Thesis

Find all the courses that I have taken in Course Works

Project Assistance, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 20011-2013
Aerospace Engineering


  1. Studying the deformation mechanisms, qualitatively and quantitatively, for metallic alloys using Molecular Dynamics.
Masters of Engineering(ME), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2009-2011
Aerospace Engineering.


  1. Developing a better numerical integration scheme for Polygonal FEM.
  2. Studying the crack propagation in metallic materials using Polygonal XFEM.

Term Projects:

  1. Using the acoustic wave for NDT to detect the internal defect in a Shape Memory Alloy(SMA) wire.
  2. Building a co-axial contra-rotating RC helicopter capable of carrying a minimum payload of 20gm.

Masters Thesis: ME Thesis

Find all courses that I took in Masters: here

Undergraduate, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 2005-2009
Civil Engineering

Term Projects:

  1. Design and cost estimation of a 5-story RCC frame-structured residential building in Kolkata, India.
  2. Designing one of the main decks, pier, and it’s foundation of an one-way two-lane concrete bridge.
Major course works during PhD in Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore(USA).
Mechanics of Solids and Materials - I By Prof. T. D. Nguyen


Mechanics of Solids and Materials - II By Prof. J. El-Awady

Nonlinear Finite Element Method By Prof. S. Ghosh

Advanced Methods in FEM and Multiscale Modelling By Prof. S. Ghosh

Introduction to Finite Element Method By Prof. S. Ghosh

Mechanisms of Deformation By Prof. K. J. Hemker

Plasticity by Prof. S. Papanikolaou

Probabilistic Methods in Civil Engineering and Mechanics by Prof. M. D. Shields

Statistical Mechanics and Extreme Value Distributionby Prof. S. Papanikolaou

Major course works during Masters in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore(India).
Fracture Mechanics by Prof. R. Narasimha

Analysisi and Design of Composite by Prof. G. Naiak

Energy and Finite Element Methods by Prof. S. Gopalakrishnan

Flight Vehicle Design by Prof. S. N. Onkar

Flight and Space Mechanics by Prof. R. Ganguli

Flight Vehicle Structure by Prof. D. Harursampath

Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion by Prof. D. Sivakumar

Structural Dynamics by Prof. D. Ghosh

Fluid Dynamics by Prof, J. Dey

Numerical Methods

Experimental Techniques By multiple faculties

Smart Materials and Structures By Prof. D. Roy Mahapatra

Theory of Plates and Shells By Prof. K. S. Nanjunda Rao

Introduction to Material Science and Engineering by Prof. V. Jayaram

Undergraduate courses